Geology Memoir 12. Hardcover book. The Gunnedah Basin is located in north-eastern New South Wales, between the Sydney Basin in the south and the Bowen Basin in the north. This Memoir is the culmination of many years' work by the then Coal Geology Branch of the New South Wales Department of Mineral Resources. The Volume is the result of the Gunnedah Basin Overview Project which was initiated to assess and document the massive amount of data and geological information obtained from Departmental drilling programs between 1975 and 1986. It provides a comprehensive record of the geology of a large part of the Gunnedah Basin, with particular emphasis on the Permian sediments and the contained coal resources. Topics such as tectonic setting, tectonic evolution and structural elements cover the whole Gunnedah Basin, whereas discussion of detailed lithostratigraphy, sedimentology, coal seam geology and coal resources has been limited to areas east of the Rocky Glen Ridge and north of the Liverpool Range.