Leaving your land in better condition than you received it is the aim of environmental management. This book helps you understand the basics before you get int more detailed studies.
Chapter 1: The landscape and the catchment
Chapter 2: Landscape features
- Slope
- Aspect
- Vegetation
- Soil
- Water - life
- Wildlife in the landscape
- Bush fragments without connecting corridors can lead to local extensions
- Cultural and ecological history
Chapter 3: Natural systems
Chapter 4: Biodiversity
Chapter 5: Humans and natural systems
Chapter 6: Plants
- Plant classifications
- Self-protection
- Plants and fire
- Collecting and preserving plant specimens
Chapter 7: Landscape ethics and practice
- Making a start
Chapter 8: Landscape planning
- Develop a plan
- Monitoring
Chapter 9: Developing links
- Landcare groups
- Total Catchment Management (TCM) and Landcare
- Landcare support
- Local government
Author: David Brouwer
ISBN: 9781742566849 | 77 pages | A4
Catalogue number: B984
Publisher: NSW Department of Primary Industries | 2014