This book includes both meat and egg production, breeds, rearing, health, housing and nutrition. Extensive section of case studies.
- The market for free range production
- Pitfalls for new entrants
- An introduction to production systems and standards for free range eggs
- An introduction to production systems and standards for meat birds
- Choosing a breed
- Sourcing stock
- Managing the flock
- Feeding and nutrition
- Housing for free range poultry
- Protecting the flock from predators
- Pastures for poultry
- Free range health management
- Biosecurity for free range production
- Regulations: state and local government
- A business plan for free range poultry
- EggInvest: an aid to planning and budgeting
- An example of free range standards - eggs
- Free range eggs. Standards Compared.
- Chicken suppliers
- References
Also includes nine case studies including both egg and meat bird enterprises.
Author: David Brouwer
ISBN: 9780731306237 | 176 pages | A4
Catalogue number: B728
Publisher: NSW Department of Primary Industries | 2010