A basic guide to some of the skills and practices of pig production. This guide covers topics such as how to get started in pig production, health and nutrition, breeding and farming, pests and rodent control and marketing your pigs.
- Starting in pigs
- Pig breeds and breed standards
- Siting the piggery
- Indoor or outdoor piggery
- Provide fencing for pigs
- Provide water for pigs
- Pig nutrition - a diet fit for a pig
- Rule 1: Provide more than just pasture
- Rule 2: Process cereal grains
- Rule 3: One diet does ot suit all
- Rule 4: Formulate diets to suit the need
- Rule 5: Cool water is available at all times - quality is important
- Rule 6: Do not feed 'prohibited pig feed' (swill) to pigs
- Rule 7: Check for hazardous substances in feed and beware - some plants are poisonous to pigs
- Manage manure and effluent
- Marketing your pigs
- Pig health
- Parasites
- Reproduction failure
- Diarrhoea
- Respiratory disease
- Nervous behaviour
- Salt poisoning
- Leg and movement problems
- Skin diseases
- Vertebrate pests
- Rodent control for outdoor piggeries
- Case study: The accidental pig farmer
- Case study: Bred free range
- Case study: Indoor farrow-to finish piggery
Author: Trish Holyoake, Ian Kruger and Jayce Morgan
ISBN: 9781742564753 | 194 pages | A4
Catalogue number: B940
Publisher: NSW Department of Primary Industries | 2013