Your creeks and streams are a vital resource for you and downstream users. Learn how to manage them to prevent erosion, reduce salinity and improve water quality. Includes case studies to show how to improve farm productivity by looking after your creeks.
- What makes a waterway? Terms and definitions, Is there a problem? Identify, describe, map, What waterways to look at, What to look for.
- What do waterways do? Waterways supply water, Waterways are used for irrigation, Waterways are used for recreation, Waterways help control water flow.
- The importance of plants in waterways: Plants help keep banks and streams stable, Controlling weeds.
- The role of buffers and filters on waterways: Protecting waterways, Nutrient and pesticide contamination, Pathogens and bacteria, Salinity, Turbidity, Buffer strips - how wide? Buffer zones have other uses.
- Waterways are important for wildlife: Plants provide habitat, Improving your waterways as habitat and wildlife corridors.
- Protecting your waterway: Keeping waterways stable, Earthworks and structures on streams, Protect your waterway with fencing, Protect your waterway by controlling erosion in your paddocks, Good farm management will protect your waterways.
- Assessing the health of waterways: Water quality, Measuring turbidity, Taking in the whole farm picture, Putting it together, Rivercare - beyond the farm boundary.
- Case Study - 'Goodwill'
Author: David Brouwer
ISBN: 1862773084 | 87 pages | A4
Catalogue number: B292
Publisher: NSW Department of Primary Industries | 1997