ABSTRACT: The present study forms part of a major project aimed at providing an inventory of mineral deposits and an understanding of the metallogenesis of the Lachlan Fold Belt. The area covered by the Bega 1:250,000 Metallogenic Map embraces the whole of the Bega 1:250,000 sheet together with the NSW portion of the Mallacoota 1:250,000 sheet and the eastern part of the New South Wales portion of the Tallangatta sheet. The first part of this publication gives the basic data consisting of the Bega 1:250,000 Metallogenic Map and mine data sheets. In the second part the authors interpretation of the metallogenesis of the Bega sheet area is outlined.
REFERENCE: Herzberger, G. A. Barnes, R. G. Bowman, H. N. 1978. 1:250,000 Bega Metallogenic Map Mine Data Sheets and Metallogenic Study. New South Wales Geological Survey. 390 pp.
Comments: Book is now out of print.
Digital copies of the book can now be found on DIGS.