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Image of Bulletin Number 28   1982: Non metallic and Tin Deposits of the Broken Hill District. book cover

Bulletin No. 28 - 1982: Non-metallic and Tin Deposits of the Broken Hill District.

Geological Survey of New South Wales
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Host rocks to the economic deposits are: mineralogically zoned granitic pegmatites (amblygonite, beryl, feldspar, mica, quartz), albite pegmatites (albite), and base metal deposits of Broken Hill, Thackaringa, and other types (fluorite and siderite). These rocks are part of the Carpentarian Willyama Complex. Other economic deposits occur within certain other rock types of the Willyama Complex such as granite gneiss (aggregate), ultrabasic rocks (asbestos), garnet-bearing schist, kyanite schist, and sillimanite schist and gneiss; dolomitic limestone has been mined from the Adelaidean Torrowangee Group. Caliche, gypsum, and sand have been mined from Quaternary deposits. Tin is included, as nearly all the tin deposits are associated with pegmatites or alluvials derived from pegmatites.


Lishmund S.R. 1982. Non-metallic and Tin Deposits of the Broken Hill District. Geological Surveyof New South Wales - Bulletin 28