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Image of Bulletin Number 32 parts 1 and 2   1988: Metallogenic Studies of the Broken Hill and Euriowie Blocks in New South Wales. book cover

Bulletin No. 32 (1, 2) - 1988: Metallogenic Studies of the Broken Hill and Euriowie Blocks in New South Wales.

Geological Survey of New South Wales
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The Broken Hill and Euriowie Blocks have been studied over more than a century mainly for Broken Hill ore bodies and the regional geology. This Bulletin summarises the regional geology, discuss past schemes used to classify mineral deposits, and provide a rationale for the classification scheme used in metallogenic studies at Broken Hill. Major deposits include part of the Broken Hill Main Lode, the Pinnacles mine, the Rig Hill and Pyrite Hill cobaltiferous pyrite deposits, the Corruga calc-silicate tungsten prospects, and a wide range of vein types including the important silver-lead fields at Thackaringa and Umberumberka (Silverton). The area includes most of the important deposit types found elsewhere in the Broken Hill Block except for stratabound and tin-bearing types. For each deposit or group of deposits, size, structure, mineralogy, host rocks, brief mining history and references to exploration are given. The area has been intensely explored, and has potential for deposits with commodities including lead, silver, zinc, copper, tungsten, cobalt, uranium, gold, and industrial minerals.


Barnes R.G. 1988. Metallogenic Studies of the Broken Hill and Euriowie Blocks, New South Wales. 1.Styles of Mineralisation in the Broken Hill Block. 2. Mineral Deposits of the Southwestern Broken Hill Block. Geological Survey of New South Wales - Bulletin 32 (1,2). 250 pp.

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