This study constitues part 4 of Bulletin 32 'Metallogenic Studies of the Broken Hill and Euriowie Blocks, New South Wales'. Although this report deals with the mineral occurrences within the Euriowie Block, those occurrences at the extreme northern end of the Broken Hill Block and in the Poolamacca Inlier are also discussed. The blocks comprise rocks of the Palaeoproterozoic Willyama Supergroup which are considered to have been deposited within an intracratonic rift environment. They have regional metamorphism grading from greenschist to granitic facies, and later retrograde metamorphism. It covers the main Pb-Zn-Ag lodes and describes the lode geometry, mineralogy, host rocks, stratigraphy, structural setting and historical information on production and exploration. The most important mineral deposits in this area are (i) stratiform type deposits, (ii) base metal-bearing and gold-bearing vein deposits, (iii) mineralisation related to intrusive rocks and non-metallic deposits. The stratiform deposits are the most common and they are described in great detail. The text is well illustrated with figures and photographs. Interpreted geology with cross sections of several mines are presented. Summary of geochemistry assays of samples from three mines are presented in tables.
Burton G.R. 2000. Metallogenic studies of the Broken Hill and Euriowie Blocks, New South Wales. 4. Mineral deposits of the Euriowie Block (including the northernmost Broken Hill Block and Poolamacca Inlier). Geolological Survey of New South Wales , Bulletin 32(4), vi + 106 pp.