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Image of Cootamundra Explanatory Notes 1975 book cover

Cootamundra Explanatory Notes (1975)

Geological Survey of New South Wales
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The Cootamundra 1:100000 sheet covers and area of approximately 2500 km 2 in the southeastern part of the New South Wales (fgure1), on the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range. The area includes the major part of County Harden, and small parts of Counties Bland, Buccleuch, and Clarendon. The area covered by the Cootamundra 1:100000 sheet is in the southern part of the Lachlan Fold belt which developed from the Palaeozoic Lachlan Mobile Zone. The Lachlan Fold Belt has been subdivided into several north-south trending anticlinorial and synclinorial zones (Scheibner 1972b). The Cootamundra sheet straddles the southern part of the Forbes Anticlinorial Zone, and covers part of the Bogan Gate Synclinorial Zone on the west and the Cowra-Yass Synclinorial Zone on the east.


Basden H., Adrian J., Clift D.S.L, & Winchester R.E. 1975. Geology of the Cootamundra 1:100000 Sheet 8528. Geological Survey of New South Wales, Sydney.