This guide to pasture species in NSW, includes descriptions and colour photos of useful temperate and tropical legume and grass species. Also includes chapters on pasture selection, establishment, management and grazing systems.
- Chapter 1: Pasture Types suitable for NSW
- Why sow pasture?
- Temperate or tropical?
- Responding to climate change and climate variability
- A history of introductions
- Describing new cultivars
- Chapter 2: Legumes for soil, pasture and crop improvement
- Strains of rhizobium
- Inoculating legume seed
- Chapter 3: Fertilisers for pastures
- Phosphorus: a key nutrient
- Other esstential plant nutrients
- Chapter 4: Pasture establishment
- Seed treatment
- Chapter 5: Pasture management
- Pasture quantity and quality
- Chapter 6: Grazing management
- The principles of grazing management
- Stocking rates
- Altering the diet
- Keeping the sward vigorous
- Maintaining desirable species
- Grazing systems
- Picking a good diet
- Supplements
- Continuous feed supply
- Chapter 7: Selecting species, cultivars and mixtures for pastures
- Describing grasses
- Grass plant parts
- Cultivar development
- Pasture recommendations
- Animal health and disorders
- Chapter 8: Pasture grasses
- Chapter 9: Pasture legumes
- Description
- Chapter 10: Fodder and forage crops
- Pasture hay and silage
- Fodder and forage crops
- Crops for winter feed
- Crops for summer feed
- Browse shrubs
- Chaper 11: Seed quality
- Genetic integrity
- Seed purity
- Germination testing
- Species list
- Alphabetical by common name
- Alphabetical by botanical name
- References and further reading
- Books
- Web sites
- Species index
Author: David Brouwer
ISBN: 9780731306275 | 144 pages | A4
Catalogue number: B735
Publisher: NSW Department of Primary Industries | 2010