Principles of organic cropping plus extensive case studies for a range of enterprises such as soybeans, wheat, citrus, nuts, coffee, strawberries, tropical fruit, sheep, cattle, vegetables and many other examples.
- Organic crops:
- Choosing a crop
- Growing the crop
- Pest and disease management
- Weed management
- Planning the organic orchard or crop
- Marketing
- Conclusion
- Soybean: growing principles for all crops
- Advantages of growing soybeans
- Challenges of growing soybeans
- The importance of humus
- The package for crop nutrition
- Monitor plant health
- The seedbed
- Crop establishment
- Inoculation
- Weed management
- Water management
- Pests
- Diseases
- Harvesting
- Seed storage
- Marketing
- Economics
- 25 case studies including kiwi fruit, coffee, tea tree, garlic, grapes, blueberries, apples, strawberries and taro amongst others.
- Appendix 1: Sources of biological control
- Appendix 2: Soil biology assessment
- Appendix 3: Useful contacts.
Author:Jennifer Laffan
ISBN: 9780731306121 | 98 pages | A4
Catalogue number: B165
Publisher: NSW Department of Primary Industries | 2008