This information guide is designed to meet the needs of new and existing commercial growers of greenhouse vegetable crops in Australia. It focuses on the practical aspects of IPM, and will help you to answer the most important questions about getting started with IPM and how to manage an existing program better. This guide is an essential reference for commercial growers, consultants and students.
- Integrated pest management (IPM)
- Preparing property and staff for IPM
- Recognising pests and diseases
- Monitoring pests and diseases
- Available biocontrol agents
- Key industry contacts
- List of references
This information guide is a companion to Pests, diseases, disorders and beneficials in greenhouse vegetables field identification guide.
Author: Stephen Goodwin, Marilyn Steiner, Russell Parker, Len Tesoriero, Geoff Connellan, Briony Cowper, Alison Medhurst and Claudina Rodriguez
ISBN: 0734713029 | 175 pages | A4
Catalogue number: B279
Publisher: NSW Department of Primary Industries | 2002