This product is a useful resource for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of the natural environment. It is an inventory of the soil and landscape features covered by the Macksville - Nambucca 1:100,000 map sheets and identifies major soil and landscape limitations to development.
It uses soil landscapes – areas of land with unique landform features containing a characteristic set of soils – to identify, map and describe soils, land capabilities, constraints and hazards, and provides recommendations for land and soil management.
Available formats:
- Access online using eSPADE.
- Download the map, report or GIS shapefiles from SEED
- Purchase a hard-copy map
- Purchase a hard-copy book
Visit our website for further information about soils and land degradation in NSW, soil and landscape mapping and systems.
Author: Eddie, M.W. (report and map)
Book ISBN: 073475020X | 294 pages | Edition 1 (1999) | A4
Map: Edition 1 (1999) | A1 Landscape| Folded
Publisher: Department of Land and Water Conservation
This mapping product belongs to the Soil Landscape Series. Other related products are also available through this site.