The aims of this books are:
- to give land managers a basic knowledge of the principles of fertiliser use
- to show how these principles can be used in growing crops and pastures. The book covers some horticultural and viticultural topics, but these are not dealt with in detail
- to examine the environmental effects of fertilisers
- to briefly introduce alternatives to traditional fertiliser strategies.
When you have read this book you should be able to:
- identify the nutrients needed for plant growth and those needed in your district
- identify fertilisers for particular crop and pasture species on your farm
- select from the range of fertilisers available - the type and form that is most cost effective
- use fertilisers so that they provide benefits to productivity without causing pollution.
- Introduction
- Safety
- Understanding fertiliser terms
- Soil testing
- Healthy soils and nutrient management
- Acid soils and the pH connection
- Plant nutrition
- Possible crop nutrition problems
- The major element Nitrogen
- Nitrogen in pastures
- Nitrogen for crops
- The major element Phosphorus
- Phosphorus for pastures
- Phosphorus for crops
- The major element Potassium
- Micronutrients
- The micronutrient Molybdenum
- The micronutrient Boron
- The micronutrient Zinc
- The micronutrient Selenium
- The micronutrient Cobalt
- the micronutrient Copper
- the micronutrient Manganese
- The micronutrient Chlorine
- The micronutrient Iron
- Naturally-derived fertilisers
- Application equipment
- Precision agriculture
- Calculating fertiliser costs and rates
- Scenarios
- Nutrient program checklist
- Glossary
Authors: Justine Baird and Matthew Notley
ISBN: 9781742567839 | 215 pages | A4
Catalogue number: B494
Publisher: NSW Department of Primary Industries | 2021