This book is for people interested in all aspects of chemical application using both handheld and powered application equipment to control pests in a wide range of situations. It is a practical guide which outlines a range of pests, the damage they can cause resulting in loss to production and environmental degradation, options for control and risks associated with control methods.
Chemicals are a necessary component of most agricultural systems and having the correct information to increase efficiency whilst reducing risks to both workers, the environment and off target damage is essential for anyone working in the industry. Information found in this book will help in decision making and chemical application planning to reduce costs and increase productivity whilst meeting legislative requirements of chemical application, storage and transport.
· Pest management
· Pesticide regulation
· Labels and Safety Data Sheets
· Work Health and Safety
· Calibration
· Chemical application
· Transport, storage and disposal
Technical Editors: Alison Blake and Robyn Troldahl
ISBN: 9781760584252 | 167 pages | A4
Catalogue number: B988
Publisher: NSW Department of Primary Industries | 2021