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Bourke Metallogenic Map Explanatory Notes (1993)

Bourke Metallogenic Map Explanatory Notes (1993)

Geological Survey of New South Wales
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The Bourke 1:250,000 Metallogenic Map, mineral deposit data sheets and accompanying notes provide a comprehensive mineral deposit data base for the region, a modern recompilation of the geological data, and a regional metallogenic framework for use in mineral exploration, land use planning and mineral resource management. The data collection mainly comprised search of both published and unpublished information sources, and field inspections. This work was supplemented by some intra-Department analytical, petrological and mineralogical work, and the compilation of revised geology text.

Byrnes, J.G. 1993. 1:250,000 Bourke Metallogenic Study and Mineral Deposit Data Sheets. Geological Survey of New South Wales. 130pp