This publication is to accompany the Bega and Mallacoota 1:250000 Geological Sheets. It serves as a compendium to illustrate and explain the geology and structural features shown in the two map sheets. The geological units in each area are described in detail covering rock units from Cambro-Ordovician age to Canozoic volcanics and sediments. The structural geology of different lithotectonic units, style and geometry of structural zones, together with cross faults and megakinks are described.
Lewis P.C., Glen R.A., Pratt G.W. & Clarke I. 1994. Bega-Mallacoota 1:250 000 Geological Sheet SJ/55-4, SJ/55-8 Explanatory Notes, 148 pp, 8 pls. Geological Survey of New South Wales, Sydney.