NSW Government Website

Image of Murray Darling Eromanga SEEBASE and GIS Project digital data package

Murray-Darling-Eromanga SEEBASE and GIS Project

Geological Survey of New South Wales
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Integrated regional interpretation of basement composition, lithology, and structure of the Murray, Darling and Eromanga Basins in New South Wales. New depth to basement (SEEBASE) model of Murray and Eromanga Basins and updated model of Darling Basin. Predictive maps of basement-controlled hydrocarbon generation and migration. Geophysical and base data: DTM, Landsat, high-resolution magnetic, gravity, seismic, geology, cultural. Project report incorporating a reconstruction of basin evolution.


Data formats Geospatial data in this product are stored in ESRI ArcGIS version 9.0 Extent Murray, Darling and Eromanga Basins in NSW.